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Bridging the Gap of Division Between African Americans and African Immigrants who are seen the same way by the White Supremacists. By Ndiawar Diop

Bridging the Gap of Division Between African Americans and African Immigrants. We are the same and we are seen the same way by the White Supremacists and the Bigots in the Law enforcement, District Attorneys and bad Judges. Our Division will definitely benefit others who hate us equally. The relationship between African immigrants and African Americans in the United States will be beneficial to our children if we bypass our Cultural Differences.

The stereotypes, conflicts and grudges between the two groups are the poison killing us Slowly as community. We must watch each others back and focus on how to Better our co-existence and adaptation to each other. African Americans, descendants of enslaved Africans that were transported to the US during the trans-Atlantic slave trade, fought tirelessly for Freedom for so many centuries to make the Land safe for any black person around the world especially Africans from the Mother Land.

Let us live in harmony and Cease the tension between us which are not Real when you look deeper inside; Only cultural differences and cross-cultural interactions that others would exploit to make us weaker and weaker. Our Survival as a Community depends on how we Adopt our Mutual Understanding !

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